Mucous discharge from the urethra during erection of a grayish tint, emission during puberty in young men, involuntary ejaculation at night as a result of prolonged abstinence and, finally, sperm during orgasm are the natural fluids of a healthy man. All others can be viewed as pathologies. They can be the first signs of serious illness. Have you noticed the discharge of fluids and mucus during an erection? What to do in this case? If the discharge during erection has an unpleasant odor, different from a transparent shade, contains blood clots, then an urgent need to consult a doctor.
Secretion of a healthy man and its abnormalities

If atransparent mucus is secreted during an erection, then this indicates the health of the genitourinary organs and is called:
- urethrorrhea - the fluid, when excited, does not have a smell and color, occurs in the morning after a night's sleep or during an erection before sexual intercourse. Its amount depends on the individual physiological characteristics of a man. Such transparent discharge during erection helps the sperm pass through the urethral canal and contains some male germ cells. It is not a pathological process;
- spegma - fat produced by the sebaceous glands located in the area of the glans penis. If a man takes a shower in a timely manner and is conscientious about his personal hygiene, the fatty substance does not accumulate and is washed off without residue. If you do not wash off such mucus during an erection on time, then it will serve as an excellent breeding ground for many pathogenic microorganisms, and besides, it will acquire an unpleasant odor over time. This leads to prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis and other unpleasant diseases.
Any other discharge from the penis during erection indicates the presence of inflammation of an infectious or non-infectious nature.
Discharge during erection in men, which has any color other than transparent, blood clots and an unpleasant odor can be caused by:
- gonorrhea and chlamydia;
- candidiasis or genital herpes;
- ureaplasma or mycoplasma inflammation;
- trichomoniasis.
This is the infectious nature of the emergence of pathogenic fluids and mucus from the glans penis. Non-infectious include:
- mechanical impact, leading to injury to the head of the penis;
- manifestations of an allergic nature;
- the use of medications;
- harmful effects of toxic chemicals;
- narrowing of the lumen of the urethra.
With all pathologies, during an erection, a liquid is released, which differs in quantity, color and smell. This is due to different inflammatory processes, their intensity and origin.
Allocations in these cases are:
- cloudy if they contain a large number of infected cells;
- thick, with a grayish tinge, when they have a high content of dead dermis and fat;
- yellowish or greenish, indicating the presence of purulent inflammation;
- containing drops of blood or blood clots.
It is impossible to visually determine in this situation what exactly the man is sick with. For this, it is imperative to carry out a number of diagnostic studies and analyzes.
What does discharge in men signal

Whitish fluids and mucus indicate the onset of candidiasis and are characterized by the following symptoms:
- the head of the penis is covered with a white coating, which dries up and acquires a sour yeast odor;
- in this area, severe itching and burning, scabies and pain in the perineum begin;
- erection produces white mucus. It also occurs during urination and intimate contact.
A transparent secret is typical for:
- chlamydia;
- ureaplasmosis;
- gonorrhea;
- trichomoniasis.
Gradually, if you do not take any measures, the liquid takes on a yellow or green tint. This is evidence of an increase in leukocytes in the blood and an increase in inflammatory processes, which can result in not only prostatitis, but also prostate cancer. They are accompanied by sharp painful sensations, can appear before sexual intercourse, throughout the day and even during a night's sleep.
When an erection is released, yellow mucus is released

This is the first sign that a man is likely to have contracted a sexually transmitted disease. A yellow tint is a sign of the presence of pus, urethral mucus and an increased white blood cell count. In this case, gonorrhea is also accompanied by severe pain during urination, and the mucus has a very unpleasant rotten smell. Trichomoniasis does not manifest itself for a long time. But after a while, the pain becomes unbearable during trips to the toilet and in a calm state, especially in the lower abdomen and in the perineum.
Bloody fluids and mucus
Accompanied by infectious diseases, for example, gonorrhea, Trichomonas, candidal prostatitis. They can be caused by various injuries resulting from a non-professional diagnostic examination. For example, when using a catheter, during cytoscopy or bougie. But the blood fluid in such cases is of a short-term nature, has a scarlet tint and does not contain any impurities.
The presence of blood may indicate the movement of stones. In such a situation, the liquid is colorless, odorless, but only blood clots or ichor. Usually accompanied by painful sensations.
The biggest danger in detecting blood from the penis is cancer. And not only the prostate gland. Cancer cells can be present in the kidneys, ureters, bladder, testicles. The discharge accompanies the man all day and remains in the form of dried dark spots on his underwear, which have absolutely no smell.
It is impossible in color, smell, quantity, time of discharge to outstrip the pathological changes occurring in the body of a man. To do this, you need to undergo a full examination and diagnosis by specialists. Moreover, if they are accompanied by uncomfortable and painful sensations.